Monday, 4 August 2008

Pedant's corner

I don't like to be too rigid about the use of certain words, despite having the distinction between smell and stink (you smell, I stink) drilled into me from an early age.

However, I was taken by this particular tautology. Unfortunately, it comes from the chief executive of the UK communications regulator, Ofcom.

Ed Richards says he wants to "initiate a concerted dialogue" (my italics).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's an old teachers trick: tell them what you're going to say, tell them what they need to hear, then tell them what you've told them. His full words were,

"To begin with, I intend to carry this issue forward by starting to initiate a concerted dialogue, in which all the parties will get around the table to communicate with one another to reach mutual understanding together."

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